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Real Life Lore
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Everything below here is fictional lore. Basically no one cares about it, but hey, maybe you do.
Будучи главным авторитетом над человечеством, TerraGov является де-факто глобальной властью 25-го века. Являясь авторитарным сверхдержавой, TerraGov контролирует практически всё в Солнечной системе и вокруг нее. Из-за нехватки готовой и желающей работать рабочей силы, для управления своими колониями они используют замещающую рабочую силу из людей, выращенных "в пробирках", для усиления эффективности в различных областях, начиная от сельского хозяйства и заканчивая инженерным делом и армией, где они используются больше всего. С постоянно растущими требованиями они разрабатывают роботов для помощи клонам. Их вооруженные силы состоят из флота и морской пехоты. Раньше существовала армия TerraGov, но она была интегрирована в TGMC из-за более широкого использования морпехов в межзвездных боях. TGMC, естественно, является крупнейшей боевой силой человечества. Их основным поставщиком оружия являются Терранские Оружейники - конгломерат крупнейших корпораций по производству оружия в мире, расположенный в Германии.
- Население: 35 миллиардов
- Родной мир: Терра (Земля)
- Территория: Сол и окружающие системы
- • Численность постоянной армии: отсутствует (основной военной силой являются пехотинцы, которые занимаются практически всем);
- Враги: практически все, кроме союзных корпораций.
- • Численность флота: 130.00 кораблей с FTL [Faster-Than-Light] двигателями, около 2.500.000 вспомогательных судов;
С самыми гнилыми днищами!
Всеми любимая жадная до денег все контролирующая корпорация, однако ещё не состоявшаяся. До событий обычного SS13 (в которые происходят действия в TGMC), Нанотразен ещё не является ведущей силой над человечеством, её место занимает TerraGov. В событиях TGMC, NT – могущественная, (но не сверхмощная), компания по исследованию и разработке, которая держит различные отрасли: шахтёрство, геологическая разведка и общая колонизация. Их главный источник финансов – это открытие и исследование материала, называемого фороном, который они активно изучали и разработали для него различные применения. Благодаря их знаниям о добыче и переработке форона, они фактически держат над ним монополию, заставляя всякую корпорацию, имеющую доступ к залежам форона, платить за его добычу. Их новейшей авантюрой является изучение мистических и опасных инопланетных видов. Конечно, с их опытом в исследованиях, от этой затеи не ожидается масштабной катастрофы… верно?
- Сотрудники: 200 миллионов;
- Штаб: Гуанчжоу, Китай;
- Территория: Различные системы внутри TerraGov, а также некоторые более отдалённые пограничные системы;
- Служба безопасности: Среднего размера, в тяжёлых ситуациях полагаются на частные военные компании;
- Враги: не является крупной державой, в большинстве случаев действует как нейтральная сторона;
Sons of Mars
Еще в 2100-х годах Марс был колонией Космического Управления с населением в несколько миллионов человек и очень амбициозными планами на терраформирование. Волнения из-за плохого обращения и присвоения ресурсов после катастрофы ’09-го года начали серию беспорядков на Марсе. Из-за его промышленной важности силы Управления были вызваны для подавления обостряющейся ситуации. Обстановка накалилась до предела и восстание было подавлено насилием и грубой силой. Выжившие были недовольны Управлением и вместе с другими станциями в секрете создавали планы. В 2160-м почти всё население покинуло планету на корабле с STL [Slower-Than-Light] двигателем, совершая переворот в новообразованном TerraGov, но также унося с собой самый значительный источник оппозиции вне системы TG.
Являясь одним из участников «Большой тройки», Сыны Марса базируются на Цидонии - маленьком, частично терраформированном мире, окружённом орбитальными станциями и подвергающемся периодическим ударам комет. Сыновья являются могущественной промышленной державой благодаря изначально большому числу колонистов и их первоначальному опыту. Они – единственный член НКК [Independent Colonial Confederation - Независимой Колониальной Конфедерации], который может построить Блюспейс двигатель и являются основным поставщиком инженерных и корабельных услуг НКК. Из «Большой тройки» они наименее дружелюбны к TerraGov.
- Их родная планета является аналогом Марса, на котором в настоящее происходит терраформирование, завершённое примерно на 2/3, и атмосфера теперь пригодна для дыхания;
- 8 дополнительных внезвёздных колоний, наиболее заметная из которых – Гесперус (1.2 миллиона колонистов);
- Около сорока миллионов человек;
- Регулярная армия численностью в 200.000;
- 175 FTL кораблей, из которых 15 являются боевыми и 40 переоборудованных торговых судов;
- Крупнейший флот за пределами Сол;
- Являются частью НКК;
- Армия с высокой компетенцией в инженерном деле;
- Враги TerraGov;
- Дорогостоящая броня, однако ей недостаёт некоторых видов защиты
- Главная цель TGMC в случае войны;
За кулисами:
- Сыны Марса готовятся к выходу из НКК, чтобы продолжать своё дело самостоятельно. Это точно не понравится НКК…
- Сыновья руководят партизанской академией, практикой в которой являются рейды на аванпосты TGMC с применением запрещённого вооружения. // СОУ БЭЙЗД.
- Они разыскивают ПОТЕРЯННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, чтобы вернуть себе былую славу технологий, которыми они однажды владели.
- Сыновья имеют рабочие дизайны БЛЮспейс телепорта и двигателя без надоедливых недостатков.
- Сыновья начали эксперименты с вирусными эпидемиями, чтобы снизить численное преимущество населения TerraGov. //Какие же они крутые. Мама, бери камеру.
Временная линия
The timeline starts and all events up to the present are unaffected.
Rising tensions between China and the United States lead to a trade war, causing a stall in their respective economies. As they are two of the largest economies in the world, their sanctions cause the worlds economy to plummet as a result.
Research into metallic hydrogen synthesizes a new fuel, a super-compressed witches brew of organics code-named Plasma. Production is limited during the war, but is expanded in the post-war era. Plasma-powered rockets are capable of reaching both earth orbit and the inner system without special design, and can reach the outer system with mild design work. This creates a space race between the still at war countries to get defenses in space as well as build better intercontinnental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
The first orbital habitat is completed, built into a main-belt asteroid dragged into earth's orbit by a Plasma drive. The hollowed out hulk is used as an agricultural station, sending fresh, un-blighted crops down to the starving millions left in places in Africa and China, as well as third world countries around the globe. The station also serves a prototype powersat, with steam-driven turbines cranking out as much Plasma as can be charged. The excess power is transferred to the power-starved cities on the East coast of the US. The drive is detached, and sent to fetch another. These asteroids were pulled in by a Russian agency, making Russia the unexpected mediator between the US and China. Though tensions are still high, both nations spend the next two decades restoring their own economies.
With 3 Plasma drive assemblies bringing asteroids in 1 per every 4 months, there are over a dozen habitats in orbit, some of which are entirely residential. Many of these habitats are neutral territories, having no association with existing nations.
An asteroid moving accident occurs. A half-mile wide chunk nearly grazes the Earth's atmosphere, which was caused by a rock that was on an approved trajectory. This would cause public concern about the current leading governments, and increases pressure for an international organization that will control space-based activities. The truth leaks to the public: the accident was caused by an armed US vessel attempting to maintain US-controlled space. The Intercelestial Space Authority is formed as an advisory body to the United Nations, thus planting the seeds that would later become the Terra Government Marine Corps and TerraGov Council. This moves the nations to set aside their issues for good and effectively brings an end to the Chinese-American trade war. The Intercelestial Space Authority serves as a neutral force to enforce space law and is given funding to put weapons in space with the purpose of defending Earth's orbit.
Main belt asteroids are mined out for the most part. Over 200 habitats are in Earth's orbit, including some in the belt. Nanotrasen, an up and coming interstellar RnD company, releases a plasma engine 150% more efficient than previous models. Thanks to NT’s advancements in interstellar travel, the focus of mining moves to Jupiter's trojan points. More than 20% of Earth’s resources come from space. NT tech also allows humanity to establish a thriving colony on Mars, as well as settlements on some Jovian moons.
Due to negligence in maintenance, one of the orbital habitats blows out a cylinder wall on the habitat, depressurizing the habitat and killing 50,000 of the 300,000 people onboard. What started as a regrettable action in one area turned into a mass disaster as the habitat lost structural integrity, and came apart across the sky, filling sections of earths orbit with house-sized chunks of rubble. Of the remaining, 200+ habitats, over half of them were destroyed or damaged considerably, but due to good emergency procedures, most deaths were avoidable. The ISA stepped in during the disaster, using all 8 of its patrol cutters to remove as much debris as possible, and confiscating plasma drive assemblies to move habitats into solar orbit away from the debris field. People start to question the effectiveness of the space forces of the individual nations, who were either not close enough at all to help or didn't have equipment to combat such a threat. Increased funding towards the ISA is put forward by the United Nations to develop further, but only enough so they can expand to Mars as well as work on the station security section that would eventually become the Colonial Marshals.
Debris cloud in Earth's orbit finally clears enough to allow travel to and from the surface. Due to loss of orbital resources, there was a disruption of food and supplies, but the ISA with their funds and capabilities stepped in to throw one-way mass-driver loads of food from the surviving habitats to the surface. Colonial Marshals are sent to retrieve food from the ISA controlled colonies, forcing the colonies both in orbit and on Mars to ration themselves, something they feel like they should not be doing. Some space born citizens begin to question why they should even be worried about Earth. As for the planet side of things, the ISA pressures the UN to elevate their position due to how much back work they have been doing.
Seven of the old Earth orbit stations are converted into generation ships and launched at nearby (unspecified) stars within 10 LY. At .05 to .1 lightspeed, the journeys will take nearly a century, but they've decided to leave rather to stay and watch the ISA cement control of the system. The ISA start to prepare for the next step in their plan as their power grows more and more. Mobilization of the SAN and the SAMC unsettle quite a few of outer colonies, including Mars, but no one questions why. Additionally, the ISA takes direct control over the habitats and instill appointed leaders in addition to the starting of the Colonial Marshal system to universalize security. This comes with mixed reception, some people supporting the move while others dislike the delocalization of the policing forces.
Mars, radicalized by the Sons of Mars, rebel on a massive scale. The ISA was not quick enough to mobilize to prevent riots from breaking out, but from rebellious rioting the revolutionaries instead went to cause as much damage as possible. Colonial Marshals were overrun and the ISA supportive NT corporate was burned to the ground.
The ISA has gained more influence on Earth. Stylizing themselves as the "Terran Government", they proceed to turn their attention back to space. The TGMC and TGN are re purposed for colonial escorts. They assured the populations of Earth that the TerraGov is a Humanity first government and enacts the Humanity First Charter, essentially making anyone who attempts to split or resist the TG labelled as race traitors.
With the influence of a new engine, dubbed bluespace for the color of everything seen outside the drive interface when active, expeditions are launched to nearby stars to meet up with the new colonies. Unfortunately, TerraGov made a mistake. The first wave of ships had made 3 successful colonies, with 2 failed colonies, and 2 unaccounted for. TerraGov gave them the plans for the Cyanspace drive in the first flush of optimism. However, this first wave still resented TerraGov for what they did to their ancestors, and after 6 years, many unified into a loose group, the Independent Colonial Confederation, behind the three strongest members, the colonies on Gilgamesh, on Caelus, and the Sons of Mars, grabbing as many of the second generation wave of colonies as they could. No war is fought, due to the lumbering state, expense, and rarity of singularity-drive ships, but both sides prepare for conflict, with both the TGMC and ICC expanding as fast as they can afford to.
NT develop a way of communication over light years, inventing the first ever communications tech to reach colonies reliably, coined as Galactic Communications, or GalCom for short.
Expansion and skirmishes continue. Contacts with an unknown, non-human party confirmed on multiple occasions via telescopic observations and radar plots, but no communications established. However, it is noted the ships are insectoid in nature and wink out not too long after observation.
Breakthrough in artificial crystalline structures by NT research into phoron allows TerraGov to create Supermatter, a proprietary polymer that stores massive amounts of energy in its structure. If charged by a singularity generator, it contains enough power to activate a cyanspace drive nearly a dozen times, WITHOUT the weight of the singularity to carry along! This made ships more nimble, cheaper, AND more powerful than before! Both sides began building as many SM drive ships as possible, and converting existing ones, preparing for war.
TG, in reference to the Humanity First Charter, declares the ICC enemies of Humanity. Mobilizing the largest war fleet ever seen, special warships and warship classes are designed with the intention of invasion, such as the Jericho-Class Auxiliary ship designed by NT to better employ their combat doctrine of FOB landings. The fleet is sent out to engage the ICC, who prepare for the worst.
In a distant part of the Galaxy, another space faring race decides to make their move before it is too late.
After the TG launches their war fleet, a colony ship returns to the Sol System. Strangely enough, the ship was one of the first wave colony ships sent out and lost. Attempted hailing by some leftover TGN vessels are unsuccessful and escort fighters hold close as it passes by the Saturn colony.
Suddenly, emergency life pods shoot out and violently collide with the station. The ship proceeds on course, speeding up to dangerous levels and causing the security forces to open fire. More life pods are shot into the asteroid belt and the ship continues drifting towards Earth, its engines destroyed. The ship launches the last of its pods before trying to suicide into Earth. A TGN ship, not wanting to see Earth under threat again, rams into the vessel and cuts its progress off, both vessels destroyed in the process.
But that was not the end of it. Saturn finds itself attached by insectoid aliens as they power through bullets and overwhelm the Colonial Marshalls. The entire colony goes dark. Mars and several habitats within the belts follow shortly after. The TGMC sends forces to Mars to lay warfare against the aliens in the first known battle between them. Recovering NT before it was lost, Sol forces are nearly wiped out by the Martian retake. Local ships try to dock with Saturn, but are boarded by the aliens not long after. Scared by the Martian battle of the planet, TG orders the destruction of the habitats affected by the aliens, the ships boarded and now controlled by the aliens, and the Saturn colony. Declaring all colonies and warships lost with all hands, no one questions the order.
Not too long after, NanoTrasen names the parasites "Xenomorphs" based on their ability to genetically modify themselves based on their host. Tests on recovered Xenomorph samples show that they are incredibly vulnerable to fire and other burning techniques whereas bullets would not suffice. In order to prevent the TG from being caught off guard again, production for flamethrowers and newly innovated lasguns are strengthened for the Sol security fleet and preparations to equip the greater TGMC go underway.
(PRESENT DAY)- Not long after the Sol System was attacked, colonies suddenly went dark. Attempting to locate the source, the Office of Naval Intelligence tried to find the ships harboring the colonies before their disappearances, but had nothing on record. Regardless, too many worlds were disappearing and the TG panicked. They dispersed their war fleet mid transition to ICC space. Breaking the fleet apart, ships were sent to every planet that they could cover. Seeing as a inter-Human war was delayed, the TGN made the decision to further break down the patrol groups and stretch the fleet out as much as possible. NanoTrasen sent corporate officials to take over xeno research, using their weight within the TGN to apprehend survivors and evacuation shuttles to get eye witness accounts, causing a stir within MC HIGHCOM as the populations they are trying to save end up being ripped to research facilities for God knows what.
Meanwhile, the ICC, suddenly seeing the TG fleet scatter, get the wrong idea. Thinking a scout messed up intelligence with their Military, they move on the offense to capitalize on the retreat.
TerraGov Marine Corps | ||
Командование | Капитан, Полевой Командир, Штаб-офицер, Офицер-Пилот | |
Инженерия и Снабжение | Главный корабельный инженер, Офицер снабжения, Корабельный инженер | |
Медицина | Главный врач, Военный врач, Исследователь | |
Морпехи | Командир отделения, Мех-пилот Смартганнер, Инженер отделения, Санитар отделения, Морпех | |
Гражданские | Представитель корпорации | |
Роботизированные | Боевые роботы, Синтетик, ИИ | |
Улей ксеноморфов | ||
Тир 0 | Лицехват, Личинка, Миньоны, Предлярва | |
Тир 1 | Трутень, Бегун, Защитник, Часовой, Бейнлинг | |
Тир 2 | Лорд улья, Переносчик, Призрак, Охотник, Бык, Воин, Плеватель, Пантера, Кукловод | |
Тир 3 | Пожиратель, Осквернитель, Опустошитель, Крушитель, Преторианец, Бойлер, Варлок, Бегемот, Химера | |
Тир 4 | Принцесса, Королева, Король, Разум улья, Предалиен | |
Остальные | Отряд Быстрого Реагирования, |